Sunday, May 31, 2009

Holy Cuteness!

I found these pics on the camera. I have no idea who took them, someone short I am guessing....

Jacob's Blessing Day

"Jacob Jeremy Terrell, you will be strong and healthy throughout your life and be able to withstand the elements to remain healthy and live a long life. As you grow, you will strive to seek the Holy Ghost and opportunities to do right and be drawn to the spirit. You are blessed with the ability to discern between right and wrong and to gravitate toward those who will lift you up. You will grow strong and receive the priesthood and be a good priesthood holder. You will be able to serve a mission and be sealed in the temple for time and all eternity. You are blessed with the ability to listen to your parents, siblings, and your church family for guidance throughout your life. You will find an eternal companion, and you will be an example to those around you and a beacon of light."

Saturday, May 23, 2009


My friend Gretchen had her baby, Davis 10 weeks before I had Jake. She has 3 girls and was wanting a boy just as bad as I was. We had so much fun being prego together with our boys.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Special Visitors

Uncle Johnny came to visit Jake while on leave from Iraq. He has to go back for several more months but he will be done for good in December. Uncle Johnny and aunt Melly.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Jake N' Daddy

Love when this kid falls asleep on you! I think he likes daddy's "extra" cushioning!

Jenna's Preschool Graduation

Jenna had a great year in "Mrs. Dana's" preschool. Her field day was a blast. The tug of war is a favorite for sure. The sponge game is a lot of fun too!

Here is the class.

Eating yummy Popsicles.

Dana is such an amazing women! ALL children flock to her. She will no longer be teaching preschool because her youngest will be starting sad. She is such a wonderful, caring and loving person. She does such a great job preparing them for kindergarten.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Jaxon's First Haircut

My friend Heather gave Jax her first haircut. She is not so sure about this......

Kindergarten Graduation

Jillian graduated from kindergarten.....sniff.....
Here she is going up on the stage for the program. Singing one last time as a kindergartner.

Getting her diploma.

Mrs. Brown is the best teacher!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Violin Concert

This is Jillians 1st year playing the violin. She loves it! This is Jaydens 4th year and she is doing so well. She wore the headband so that we could pick her out on the stage.

They had a great concert!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Photo Shoot

Jaycee decided to take Jake to her room for a "Photo shoot"

Monday, May 4, 2009

Jilly's Teeth

Now you see them.... Now you don't!
Her baby teeth would NOT come out! So we took her to the dentist and had them pulled....OUCH!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Jayden's Talent Show

Jayden sang a solo in the talent show. She is an amazing singer.She also danced with some friends.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Introducing Jacob Jeremy

6:30 a.m. on 4/13/09. Getting ready to deliver. I'm scared to death...even after 5!Jake was born at 10:30 a.m. weighing in at a whopping 8lbs. 2oz.I could not ask for a better father for our children. He has so much patience and is crazy in love with his kids. Some of my favorite (mind) snapshots are of him sleeping all snuggled up with one of the girls. I love watching him "gently" wrestle on the floor, and the shrills of laughter he can get from them during a tickle fight are priceless! He always has the best advice to give, when needed. He is so Christlike it astounds me! With every baby he takes over in the hospital he does everything (except feed) and loves to sleep throughout the night with the baby on his chest. Taking a quick nap before ALL of the big sisters arrive! Looking into the nursery.Jenna getting her gown on.
Jaxon getting ready to hold "Baby Jacup"I think she likes him!Jenna JillianJaydenJayceeOne BIG happy family.All went well until that night when Jeremy got a case of food poisoning! I felt so bad for him because he had to go home. It broke my heart that he could not be with his son during his first night.So it was up to me. I have to say that it was such an awesome experience. He was ALL mine. I woke up at 3:20 a.m. to feed him. The lights were off but the computer had a soft glow that lit up the room perfectly to see his face. We just stared at each other for the longest time. I wondered if he knew how much I wanted him. Tears started to form as I remembered my visit to the temple at around 10 weeks pregnant. After a session and sitting quietly thanking Heavenly Father for helping me with so much, and for the first time not getting really bad morning sickness. After my heartfelt prayer of thanks a voice plain as day said "You are having a son" I have never, up until then, received such a powerful experience. I have always envied those that have. What a special blessing that was for me. So as I sat there breathing in his newborn scent and enjoying watching him stare at me, I wished for time to stand still. All dressed in Blue! Going home...... Grandma Smith came from Utah to see him.So did Grandma Jackson.And aunt Ashley.Nana and Papa were thrilled.Nanny (Jeremy's grandma) came to town to meet him as well.