Thursday, April 17, 2008

Another One Bites the Dust!

There is NOTHING worse than watching your daughter fall! Jenna was climbing over the baby gate and landed right on her face. I watched the whole aweful scene. It was one of those times when you just can't move fast enough to save them. We hopped in the car and zoomed to the soccer fields where Jeremy was playing soccer. On the way there Jayden was crying. I asked her why and she said, " I remember when I fell on my face. I know how bad it is going to hurt when she gets her stitches!" When we arrived at the soccer fields I jumped out of the car with Jenna in my arms. I had blood on my shirt and Jenna was holding a paper towel drenched with blood (lips bleed alot!) Jeremy stopped playing and came to check her out. We decided that there was no need for stitches........YEAH!!!
This is the next morning. Poor puffy lip!
Her sisters were very concerned for her. Jaxon-Claire could not stop kissing her better! I could just eat that baby up!!!

1 comment:

Nicla said...

Bridget hit her head 3 times today!