Monday, May 5, 2008


One of the things that I wanted to focus on this year was service. With five children keeping me busy I feel like I am lacking in the area of service. So when friends of ours asked us to keep their little girls, Molly 3 months and Savannah who just turned 2, for 4 days I jumped at the chance! I mean how hard can it be with a couple more?

Here is Jaxon Claire on the left and Savannah on the right after a messy dinner!

Savannah was into climbing on everything! She really liked to climb onto the piano and stomp on the keys.
My girls were a big help. Unfortunately the visitors were sick. I did not sleep at all because the baby was having such a hard time. She could not breath because of her cold. I felt so bad for her.
So after all of the poopy diapers, snotty boogers and crying babies we were exhausted and ready for the parents to come home. I was happy to serve though and look forward to the next time I can do so!

Savannah found our "missing" Easter egg during all of her exploring! Yeah Savannah!!!

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