Monday, June 9, 2008

While You Were Out!

My in laws went to Hawaii for a vacation. Evelyn my sister in law is almost 16 years old. They said that they would pay me to clean her room for her while they were gone. JJaycee and I decided to do a "While You Were Out" for her and make over her room! It started with a whole day of cleaning.........8 bags of trash and 10 or more loads of laundry! you can't tell in these pictures but the walls have blue and white flowered wall paper on them. And UGLY blue flowered curtains! So 70's.
We painted her walls chocolate brown. We had a hard time coming up with an accent color. We found some photo's that she has taken and decided to frame them. they had a lot of blues so we went with blue. Her bedding was a peanut shell color and was new so we used it. Here is an after photo. The blue box on the wall by the window was still wet when we took this photo. It is a magnet board and actually the same color as the walls. It is framed out with a black frame.

This is my homemade headboard. She did not have a headboard so I wanted to give her one. I went out to our garage and found these square boards and decided to cover them in the same fabric as the curtains and turn them on their sides to make diamonds. We used batting to make them look like cushion's. We then added some diamond jewels in the middle. Jeremy helped by building the back and hanging it for me! Thanks honey!
Even though we spent way to long and even worked through the stomach flu it was fun doing it for her. She helps us out with the girls and is such a fun aunt! She loved the room and was very surprised!

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